We at Michael F. Dolan & Co. can guide you through the various steps you must take in order to register a business and to form a company.
Business Start Up:
- We provide advice to management on all aspects of modern business.
Register your business for the relevant taxes. - Prepare projections if requested by your bank.
- Offer a wide range of training on various fully and semi-computerised systems as well as manual record keeping.
- Act as a helping hand to guide you through the day to day running of the business.
- In order to preserve or introduce a business trading name we can register the business name for you.
Company Formations:- I – Incorporation. – After we have incorporated your company you can quickly take the next steps of opening a new bank account in the company name and getting tax registration, none of which can be completed before incorporation is complete.
- B – Bank Account. – Once the company is incorporated and a “company number” issued, you can then use this “company number” to open a new company bank account.
- R – Registration for Taxes. – When you are issued with a new company “bank account number” we can apply for “tax registration” for you. (e.g. Corporation Tax, VAT, PAYE, RCT etc.)