
4 in 10 workers have no occupational pension – Age Action

40% of workers aged between 20 and 69 have no occupational pension coverage other than the state pension, according to Age Action. Addressing a Pensions Commission webinar earlier today, Age Action Senior Public Affairs and Policy Specialist Dr Nat O’Connor noted that in certain sectors of the economy, a majority of employers do not offer […]

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Donohoe says Ireland committed to global tax deal – but it must work for small countries

Ireland is committed to reaching an agreement to overhaul global corporate tax, but it must be one that works for small countries and accommodates healthy and fair tax competition, Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe said today. Momentum has been building towards reaching a consensus on how to better tax multinational companies. But Paschal Donohoe said the […]

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Government spent €13 billion on tackling Covid last year – CSO

Figures published the Central Statistics Office today give a provisional breakdown of the €13.1 billion spent by the Government last year to tackle Covid-19. The Pandemic Unemployment Payment accounted for €5 billion, the CSO figures show. The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme and its replacement, the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme, accounted for €3.8 billion. Health sector […]

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Job postings continue to grow, up 34% in first quarter – IrishJobs

Job postings on e-recruitment platform were up 34% in the first quarter of the year, compared to the final quarter of 2020. The data suggests the Irish jobs market is steadily recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, vacancies increased by 5%, when compared to the same period last year. The most […]

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Report warns of rising houses prices and delays

The construction industry could be unable to meet pent-up demand for housing and infrastructure, even when fully reopened, due to labour shortages and a “boom and bust” cycle in the sector, according to new research. The report titled ‘Job Quality in the Construction Sector’ warns that this could have serious implications for Ireland’s housing and […]

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Covid supports not a subsidy for insurance firms – McGrath

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath has said the Covid-19 supports paid to businesses were “never intended to be a subsidy for insurance companies”. The Minister said the Government is “examining” the issue of insurance companies seeking to deduct such payments from payouts owed to businesses. “The supports that the State has provided […]

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Covid-19 having ‘profound’ impact on SMEs

A survey by the Central Bank and the ESRI has found the impact of Covid-19 on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) has been “profound”. The survey reveals that almost a quarter of SMEs could be vulnerable to liquidation when insolvency criteria begin to normalise. The survey, carried out between July and September last year, […]

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Key focus of Government is getting people back to work – Donohoe

The Minister for Finance has said that scaling up the vaccine programme is key to the re-opening of the economy and that is happening now with 170,000 vaccines planned for this week. Paschal Donohoe said that re-openings in March and April happened and in the coming weeks and months the delivery of vaccine targets will […]

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Land prices forecast to rise by 4% on average in 2021

Land prices remained resilient last year despite the threat posed by Covid-19, according to a report by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and Teagasc. Nationally, the price for non-residential land ranged from an average of €5,900 per acre for poor quality land to €9,381 for good quality land. The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland […]

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Call for more transparent pension fees legislation

A report on pensions has found that fees and charges are so high that over time they are wiping out the tax relief given to pension savers by the State. The findings have led the Labour Party to draw up legislation that would force pension providers to be more transparent about charges. Labour finance spokesman […]

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