
VAT cuts on gas and electricity from 1 May

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has said that a temporary cut in VAT on fuel bills will lead to a saving of more than €50 on an annual gas bill and €70 on an annual electricity bill. The VAT cut from 13.5% to 9% will begin on 1 May and last until 31 October. He […]

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Cabinet likely to consider living wage plans by summer – Tánaiste

The Tánaiste has said he expects to bring proposals to Government before the summer recess on how Ireland can adopt a living wage. Mr Varadkar said the Irish Government will be among the early movers in adopting a national, mandatory living wage. He said he intends to honour the Programme for Government commitment to do […]

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New trade strategy to safeguard jobs and win new investments

The Government’s new Trade and Investment Strategy, entitled “Values for Ireland. Values for the World”, has been published today. Seven priority actions have been set out to grow trade with other countries between 2022 and 2026. The actions include enhancing Ireland’s “trade and investment ecosystem” and building on trade links around the world. A “whole […]

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Business leaders split on remote working bill

More than one-third of business leaders do not believe the Government’s proposed new Right to Request Remote Working Bill balances the rights and requirements of both employees and employers. However, 28% of business leaders do believe that it strikes the right balance. Of those who are unhappy with the proposed new legislation, 93% think the […]

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ESRI says rent pressure zones have been successful in limiting rent inflation

A report by the Economic and Social Research Institute has found that Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs) have been successful in limiting rent inflation. However, the report says it is not possible to completely separate the impact of broader economic conditions from rental price changes. The authors say that given the expected recovery in the Irish […]

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Demand for land led to price surge in 2021, survey finds

Demand for land around the country brought significant price increases in 2021, according to a survey by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) and food and agri-research body Teagasc. Co Kildare retained its position as having the most expensive land in the country up from €13,600 to €15,350 per acre, while the cheapest land […]

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Govt looks to reduce VAT rate on energy to 9%

The three coalition party leaders have discussed plans to use domestic legislation to reduce the VAT rate on energy from 13.5% to 9%. The development would mean a €49 per annum reduction on the average gas bill and a cut of €61 annually on electricity prices. In a statement to RTÉ News, the Department of […]

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Rising cost of living impacting would-be home-buyers

More than half of would-be home-buyers say that the rising cost of living is having a negative impact on their plans to purchase a property. A new survey by property listing site found that 52% of respondents said inflation was affecting their ability to purchase. Consumer prices rose by 6.7% in the year to […]

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Construction activity growth slows in first quarter

Growth in the Irish construction sector slowed in the first quarter of the year, according to the BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland Construction Total Activity Index. It shows that activity, new orders and employment all rose at slower rates, while business confidence dropped sharply. It comes amid near-record increases in input costs, with more than […]

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How you can beat inflation and save money

Prices have been rising at their fastest pace in decades, but it’s not that anyone needs reminding. According to the latest figures form the CSO published this week, inflation hit a 22 year high of 6.7% in March. The ESRI and the Central Bank both expect the annual rate of price increases to peak at […]

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