Category: Syndicated

Shutdown: Blow for rural Ireland as post offices and banks set to shut

Rural towns and villages are set for a massive blow as large-scale closures of post offices and bank branches are on the cards. A report for the Government on the future of post offices has recommended the closure of 80 post offices, mainly in rural areas. Meanwhile, Ulster Bank is planning to shut down up […]

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Theresa May is ‘bad for business’, says Ibec

Theresa May is a “damned bad” prime minister for business because she’s taking her country out of the single market and turning talent away from the UK, Ibec director general Danny Mc Coy has said. This, however, could provide a competitive advantage to Ireland, he added. Ms May, pictured, has also warned the European Union […]

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AIB races ahead in mortgage market as BoI and smaller lenders lose out

State-owned AIB has increased its share of the mortgage market at the expense of rivals Bank of Ireland, KBC and Permanent TSB. The lender is gaining from having some of the lowest variable rates, and by having the Haven broker channel. The bank, which is due to sell a chunk of its shares in the […]

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Central Bank aiming to clamp down on use of CFDs

The Central Bank is taking measures to protect investors who are involved with ‘Contracts for Difference (CFDs). The Bank has published a new consultation paper that discusses its concerns about the use of CFDs and outlines current measures under consideration that would protect the interests of retail clients. CFDs are complex, leveraged, derivative instruments which […]

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Noonan sets up €50,000 probe into help-to-buy scheme

A €50,000 report on the impact of the help-to-buy scheme for first-time buyers is to be delivered to the Department of Finance by the end of August. Finance Minister Michael Noonan is commissioning external consultants to examine the impact of the controversial scheme and wants to know if it has resulted in house price inflation. […]

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Long-awaited AIB share sale under threat if Coalition falls

AIB’s planned stock market flotation could be put on hold or even scrapped if the Government falls. Asked yesterday if a change of government would affect the plan to sell 25pc of the bank in a stock market listing, AIB chief executive Bernard Byrne said: “That’s a very good question.” The ultimate decision to push […]

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Irish businesses upbeat about the year ahead- Investec

Irish businesses are very optimistic on the outlook for this year with a large number of companies saying they expected a rise in activity, according to the latest Investec Services PMI. Business activity in Ireland continued to increase sharply during February, according to the survey. The Investec Services sector PMIs – which measures 450 private […]

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New scam targets Irish share owners

People who own shares have been warned about a rise in boiler-room scams. This is where fraudsters offer to buy their shares at a higher price than they are trading at on markets, in a bid to gain access to shareholders’ bank accounts. The Irish Stock Exchange and the Central Bank have warned investors to […]

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CBRE sees further growth in prime property values

Despite the slow start to the Dublin investment market this year, CBRE has raised its outlook for prime investment property values. At the beginning of the year its director Marie Hunt had been forecasting that prime yields were expected to remain stable this year. Now, however, the firm’s latest bi-monthly report says that yields for […]

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AIB proposes €250m dividend to shareholders amid strong financial performance

AIB has announced pre-tax profits of €1.7bn for the year end 2016 as it proposes a dividend of €250m to ordinary shareholders. The bank said that the “milestone year” has been driven by strong sustainable business performance, net credit provision writebacks of €294m and one-off benefits including the Visa Europe transaction. AIB is the first […]

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