Author: splash

Irish economy set to grow by 3.4% in 2020, according to EY forecast

Accountancy firm EY has revised upwards its economic forecast for this year. EY’s latest Economic Eye report said it expects to see GDP growth of 3.4% for 2020. That is expected to moderate to 2.8% in 2021 and 2.7% in 2022. Professor Neil Gibson, Chief Economist for EY Ireland, said they revised the forecast following […]

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Moody’s leaves Ireland’s credit-rating unchanged

Ratings agency Moody’s has reaffirmed Ireland’s credit-rating, but has highlighted a range of possible risks to the health of the Irish economy. The organisation said it was keeping the Government of Ireland’s long-term issuer rating at A2. The ratings on the country’s senior unsecured bond, progamme and commercial paper ratings have also been left unchanged. […]

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