Author: splash

NTMA opens latest syndicated bond sale to plug Covid-19 deficit

The National Treasury Management Agency has this morning started the sale of a new 10-year bond, its third so far this year via a syndicate of banks. A market source said the new bond could raise €4 billion to plug the country’s growing budget deficit.  The NTMA has been tasked with raising €20-24 billion this […]

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Thousands of retailers reopen after months of closure

Thousands more businesses across the country have opened their doors for the first time in nearly three months, as the second phase of the Government’s plan to get the economy moving again gets under way. All retailers with their own on-street entrances are allowed to resume in-person trade, but opening times and how they operate […]

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New rules on moneylenders will protect consumers

The Director of Consumer Protection with the Central Bank said new rules for licenced moneylenders will enhance and strengthen protections for customers of these services. Under the new measures, all advertisements for high cost loans with an APR over 23% must include “prominent warnings” and prompt consumers to consider alternatives. While the majority of the regulations will […]

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Many businesses to begin opening their doors again

Thousands more businesses across the country will begin opening their doors this morning for the first time in nearly three months, as the second phase of the Government’s plan to get the economy moving again gets under way. All retailers with their own on-street entrances can resume in-person trade, but opening times and how they […]

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Businesses urged not to miss out on energy supply suspension scheme

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities has warned businesses that they could miss out on energy savings by not talking to their suppliers to avail of the temporary Supply Suspension Scheme for companies impacted by Covid-19 restrictions.  The scheme was introduced in May to alleviate the pressures on SMEs by ensuring that they will have […]

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Construction activity contraction slows in May

Construction activity continued to fall sharply in May but at a softer pace than in April, the latest Ulster Bank Construction PMI survey shows today. The Purchasing Managers’ Index, which tracks changes in total construction activity, posted a reading of 19.9 in May. This was up from 4.5 in April as the construction sector opened up […]

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Robust tax receipts helped offset impact of Covid-19 spending

Exchequer figures for May show an overall deficit in the public finances of €6.143bn. This compares with a deficit of €63m in the same month last year. An unexpected increase in the amount of corporation tax collected offset sharp declines across all other tax heads. Spending was up ahead of where it was planned to […]

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Adjusted unemployment falls slightly in May to 26.1% – CSO

Unemployment, adjusted to account for those on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment, fell slightly in May to 26.1%. This compares to 28.2% in April. The percentage of younger people unemployed continues to be high with 51% of those 15-24 out of work compared to 22.5% of those aged over 25. The Central Statistics Office reports that […]

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Mortgage approvals down over 40% in April as impact of Covid-19 hits

The level of mortgage approvals fell substantially in April, according to the latest figures from the Banking and Payments Federation. The figures are reflective of the fact that the property market has all but stalled in recent months as the Covid-related shutdown of the economy took effect. Just 2,200 mortgages were approved in April with […]

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Number of people on Pandemic Unemployment Payment drops by 36,200

The number of people claiming the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment has fallen to 543,200 – a drop of 36,200 in the last week, according to the latest figures from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.  Of  those receiving the payment today, 28,400 have notified the Department that they are returning to work. 21,100 […]

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